We’re (e)-renovating!

Hello all!

Kevin here, your new communications, marketing, and membership chair. I’d like to apologize for the delay in communications recently and we’re doing our best to get back up to speed. I’d like to say a few things that are in the works, and also put out an invitation for suggestions.

Website Renovation: First and foremost, our website will be renovated over the next while – updating any old content, and bringing in new features. At the top of the list, we’re in the midst of creating a page used to keep the status of ice climbing areas up to date. This will be the first of many pages that we hope to create that will keep you up to date with conditions around Ontario.

ClimbON update: We’ll be looking into giving our newsletter a new makeover and aim to send newsletters more consistently.

Other social media: ACC-YYZ is a large section and we should have a social presence that reflect this. We’re hoping to advertise and celebrate our activities to bring in more members.

Having said all that, this is quite the large undertaking, and would be difficult without having people who are willing to help. If you are interested in helping with any of these endeavours, please reach out to me at kliu.email@gmail.com

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