Kolapore Backcountry Ski Day – Sat, Jan 22

WHEN: Saturday, January 22, 2022

WHERE: Kolapore South Trailhead

DESCRIPTION: This is a day of backcountry/cross-country skiing on the beautiful ungroomed and rugged ski trails of the Kolapore Uplands, approximately 20 km southwest of Collingwood. Backcountry Alpine Touring skis with skins or relatively wide cross country skis are acceptable. Narrow skinny skis are unacceptable.

COST: $25, which includes a trail map and a donation to the KWTA trails organization

GEAR: Backcountry XC or Alpine Touring skis and appropriate clothing.

TRIP LEADER: For more information or to sign up please contact Ray Rutitis and David Myles

MAX PARTICIPANTS: 8, including trip leaders


WAIVER: Please check with the trip leader to see how they would like you to complete the ACC Waiver.

COVID-19: This event is for double-vaccinated members and greater only.

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