Monthly Archives: October 2022

Hi Everyone! We’re in desperate need of volunteers for the executive board. If you want to contribute to the growth and direction of the club, we need you! We’re hoping to fill the following positions: Secretary Activities Chair Leadership and Training Chair, AND committee members If you are interested or would like to know more, please reach out to Additionally, we’re asking our membership if a few people could assist with running our AGM on Nov 26th; it would be minor tasks day-of. Please reach out to Bryan Thompson if interested.
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TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF: The Alpine Club of Canada, Toronto SectionTake notice that the Annual General Meeting of members of the Alpine Club of Canada, Toronto Section will be held on Saturday November 26th at The Pilot between 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Be advised that the agenda for the meeting, the Minutes of the 2021 AGM, Yearly Financial Report, and the slates for election of the board of directors, will be sent to all members two weeks prior to the AGM. Also note that only members in good standing will be permitted to vote at the meeting. Please ensure […]
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WHEN: Thurs Nov 17th @ 7:30 pm WHERE: Imperial Pub, Back Room – 54 Dundas Street East, Toronto TOPIC: Please join us in of private viewing of ‘BORIS’ a post-mortem film of Boris Kaschenko, a dear friend to many Toronto section members. Boris was the Toronto section’s leadership and training committee chair for many years and played a critical role in the development and growth of the club. We are proud to present the film ‘BORIS’ in honour of his life and passion for mountaineering. We would like to thank the Kaschenko family for this amazing opportunity for a private […]
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WHEN: December 15 – 18  OR December 16 – 18  WHERE: Mont Tremblant, QC  DESCRIPTION: Let’s dust off the rust with arguably some of the best skiing and snowboarding  this side of the Rockies! Mont Tremblant is conveniently located an hour north of Montreal about  a 6.5 hour drive from Toronto. Ideal for a quick trip to kick off the season!  We’ll be staying right in the middle of the action at Tour Des Voyageurs for 3 nights. Guests have  access to the outdoor hot tub, ski lockers and all rooms have kitchenettes. We’ll be located in the  heart of […]
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