If you’re new to the area or are just starting climbing, we hope these brief notes will give you a feel for some of the possibilities for rock-climbing in and around Southern Ontario.
Rock Climbing Coordinator – Laura Woodall
Ice climbing is a great outdoor adventure. There are great ice climbing spots in Bancroft, Hamilton, Ottawa, and Halton all ready to be climbed.
Ice Climbing Coordinator – Rob LeBlanc
If you enjoy barreling down a snowy covered hill side or quietly gliding across a freshly groomed trail you can have a great time downhill or cross country skiing. Learn about the best places and how to access them in your backyard!
Snow Sports Coordinator – Addie Typa
The ACC Toronto Section annual week-long summer Mountaineering Camp is the key activity in the Mountaineering calendar. The Mountaineering Camp is usually held in Western Canada with either hike-in or helicopter access to an ACC hut or a tent-based accommodation for between 12 to 20 participants, depending upon location in the mountains.
Mountaineering Coordinator – Bryan Thompson
Each year, the Toronto Section hosts two film festivals during “shoulder season” between the rock climbing and snow/ice activities. In March we host the world tour of The Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival. In October we host the Vancouver International Film Festival. Both festivals are a great highlight of outdoor adventure taking you to all corners of the globe.
Film Festival Coordinator – Brenda Kritsch
Toronto Section hosts a monthly Pub Nite for most of the year and we are always on the lookout for entertaining presentations.
Social Coordinator – Victoria Farmer