Directions – Diamond Lake


Note that there are two lakes in the area that are both named “Diamond Lake”.

Please make sure you navigate to the correct one: Diamond Lake Comparison

From London/Toronto

  • Head East on 401 to the 115 North to Peterborough
  • Take 115 North for 45 km
  • Follow signs for Hwy 7 / Trans-Canada (signs for Ottawa) (7.3km)
  • Turn left onto Hwy 28 North to Bancroft – continue through Bancroft following signs for 28 North (Bridge st.)
    • This is the last major town on the route
  • Just outside of Bancroft take a left on Clearlake Road (Continue on Mountney)
  • At the T intersection take a right on Musklow Greenview Rd (23.5km)
  • Take a right onto the 62N Signs for Combermere/Renfrew (23km)
  • In Combermere, take right into the 515, Palmer Rd for 6.7km
  • Take a left onto Finch Rd This road is fully snow-covered. Do not bring your summer tires.
  • Follow Finch Road to the parking area, and be sure to pull off well to the side to allow for others to pass.

At Diamond Lake

  • Follow the large obvious snowmobile trail off Finch Rd.
  • You will come out to a breath-taking view of Diamond Lake. You will see an obviously stunning ice flow in the distance to your left. Trek towards that
    • It is best when crossing the open ice to stay on the trail already used by climbers where we know the ice is safe.
  • Hike into the base of Guardian Angel and meet up with the festival crew. Make sure waivers are signed and you are set to climb!

(Hike to Guardian Angel)