Ice Climbing

Tickets for clinics at Madawaska Ice Fest 2025 are now available for purchase! The ice festival, organized by the Toronto Section, has partnered with Muskoka Mountain Works and One Axe Pursuits to run two solid days of ice climbing clinics. Participants of any skill level are welcome; membership not required to participate. There are limited spots for the clinics and dinner so don’t delay! On top of that, we’re also hosting a dinner social! Come on up to the Maynooth Area for some wicked ice climbing and get to know the ice climbing community. Tickets here! Details here!
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Our section is proud to announce the first annual Madawaska Ice Festival from Feb 21st to 23rd. Join us in the Maynooth area for a weekend of ice climbing, clinics, social activities and much more! More details to come!
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WHEN: Feb 14 – 17, 2025Departure for Algoma will be Friday, Feb. 14 (after work)Return from Algoma on Monday, Feb. 17, 2025 (after climbing) WHERE: Blind River, Iron Bridge, Ontario (6 hours north of Toronto) DESCRIPTION: Three days of ice climbing. Lots of good ice. Multiple areas with multiple climbs between 20-50 metres high ACCOMMODATION: We will be staying at the “7 Birches” cottage at the former Mountain View Camp on Lake Duborne, 13-14 km north of Blind River. There’s room for up to 8 participants in the cottage. Cost for the cottage: about $30-35 per person per night (depending […]
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WHEN: Saturday February 8, 2025 10:00 am – 6:00 pm WHERE: Diamond Lake, Madawaska Valley, ON K0J, Canada. Further access details to be provided to participants. DESCRIPTION: This winter climbing trip is for female and genderqueer climbers to go ice and mixed climbing in a community-centered and supportive environment. Join us for a day of top roping moderate ice and mixed routes at Diamond Lake (weather permitting). All ice climbing skill levels are welcome.  Note: This is not a course or clinic, and will offer no formal teaching. Rather, peer mentorship may be shared between participants with ranging experience levels. […]
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WHEN: Saturday Jan 25th, 2025 @ 10 am.  WHERE: Diamond Lake. Park and meet location DESCRIPTION: This winter climbing trip is for BIPOC climbers to go ice and mixed climbing in a community-centered and supportive environment. Join us for a day of top roping moderate ice and mixed routes at Diamond Lake (weather permitting). All ice climbing skill levels are welcome. The event will be in partnership with our partners at Colour the Trails, so the event will be posted here: on January 3rd.  Note: This is not a course or clinic, and will offer no formal teaching. Rather, peer mentorship may be shared between participants with […]
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WHEN: Feb 28 – Mar 2, 2025 WHERE: ACC Toronto Bon Echo Hut DESCRIPTION: Weekend of winter camping, ice climbing, snowshoeing and/or XC skiing at the Bon Echo hut, conditions permitted. A chance to get in some winter climbing and camping at Bon Echo and return to a warm hut for food and drinks. Drive up Friday and park at the usual spot (the public dock). Hike across the lake with your gear and make camp. Saturday and Sunday there will be opportunities for activities including climbing. MAXIMUM PARTICIPANTS: 25 GEAR: Plenty of warm clothes. Winter camping gear including a tent, a […]
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Our annual Tiffany Falls ice climbing days are set… weather permitted as always. The plan will be to climb Sundays on the following days: Full details below: DESCRIPTION: This is an ice-climbing and mixed climbing clinic for people of all levels of ability. We review equipment, technique, gear placement, anchors, and safety protocols. Alpine Club of Canada Toronto Section works with the Conservation Halton to grant the club access to this area to climb. WHERE: Tiffany Falls Conservation Area. Please obey parking guidelines. Contact trip leader for further details. COST: $20 plus HST per participant GEAR​: Harness, Helmet, rigid boots, technical […]
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When: Jan 27th 10 am – 6 pm Where: Bow Lake, Bancroft, On. Meet at Faraday Community Centre Description: Join us for a day of top roping moderate ice routes at Bow Lake (weather permitting). All ice climbing skill levels are welcome. Snowshoes or skis are recommended but not required for lake crossing.  Note: This is not a course or clinic, and will offer no formal teaching. Rather, peer mentorship may be shared between participants with ranging experience levels. Trip Leader: For more information or to signup contact Alec Cooper at Trip Classification: A/B. Participants must be proficient at top […]
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When: Feb 9 – 11Feb 23 – 25 Where: Calabogie, On Description: Two separate weekend events of reliable ice climbing area with many climbs having a range of difficulties. Calabogie is about five hours from Toronto. Accommodations have been arranged in Ottawa for climbers arriving Friday night and leaving Sunday afternoon (contact the trip leader).  We will car-pool from Ottawa on Saturday and Sunday. Top-ropes will be established but leaders are very welcome.  The trip will be cross-advertised with the Ottawa Section.  Additional climbing possibly at Lac Poisson Blanc or Gatineau Park (Quebec). Trip Leader: For information on directions, meet-up spot and […]
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When: Jan 27th @ 11 am Where: Diamond Lake. Park and meet location Description: This winter climbing trip is for women and genderqueer* climbers to go ice and mixed climbing in a community-centered and supportive environment with like-identifying individuals. Join us for a day of top roping moderate ice and mixed routes at Diamond Lake (weather permitting). All ice climbing skill levels are welcome. Snowshoes or skis are recommended but not required for lake crossing.  *including transgender and gender non-conforming folks  Note: This is not a course or clinic, and will offer no formal teaching. Rather, peer mentorship may be shared between […]
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