
Just a few more weekends left in the Bon Echo season! Sign up for a weekend at Bon Echo by contacting the custodian, from the following list: • Sept. 21-22 — Rob Ramirez at • Sept. 28-29 — Dave Myles at • Oct. 5-6 — Marshall Johnston at 416‐436‐8583 or • Oct. 12-14 (Thanksgiving weekend) — Bryan Thompson  at or Kit Moore at(416) 469‐3567 or • Oct. 19-20 (docking out) — Bryan Thompson at
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Saturday, June 1st, 2019 at 4pm, the Wallace R. Joyce Bon Echo Hut The Bon Echo Renewal project is coming to an end, the climbing season is starting and we would like to celebrate with you! Join us for an evening of food, fun and volunteer recognition as we celebrate the Completion of the Bon Echo Renewal Project!A 3-course dinner will be provided. Cost: $25 per person plus regular hut fees(Free for volunteers who helped with BERP) Capacity is limited to 60 people, so register soon!To register: contact Bryan Thompson at:
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We regret to be cancelling climbing at Bon Echo on the Victoria Day long weekend. However, the extreme flooding on the Mazinaw Lake this spring has cost us two crucial weeks in the renovation process. The hut is still a construction site and the large volunteer work party set for the May 11 weekend had to be moved back to the long weekend. The flooding hobbled Smart’s Marina’s efforts to get its docks set up, so we couldn’t have our boat in the water as early as we were hoping to. This had a domino effect. The builder lost two […]
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Dear Members! We are getting really close to the completion of the renovations to the Bon Echo Hut! We could not have completed the project without the support of our amazing volunteers who have helped cut down trees, carry material across the lake, and make the overall experience fun. As we start to cross the finish line, there are still a number of items that need to be done and we need more help! We are looking for volunteers for the following dates: Saturday March 9 – Sunday March 10 Material transport on the ice We will be transporting the […]
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