My fellow outdoor enthusiasts,
Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, the ACC-YYZ has worked tirelessly to provide you with the outdoor activities we all love, in a safe and responsible manner that helps limit the spread of COVID-19. It hasn’t been an easy year, and we applaud our members who have found creative ways to get outside and climb, hike, ski, bike, and stay active while respecting provincial and local guidelines from Public Officers of Health. I am particularly grateful for the many volunteers who have stepped up to lead trips, be custodians, run committees, and serve on your board of directors during these challenging times. The ACC-YYZ is always committed to providing its members with the opportunity to play in the great outdoors, and to ensuring good stewardship of our favourite outdoor areas. We also will always maintain the highest commitment to your safety.
It is therefore with a heavy heart that I announce that, until further notice, all ACC- YYZ outdoor activities are hereby cancelled, in accordance with the current Stay at Home Order issued by the Province of Ontario. We have spoken with local health authorities who have asked us to not hold organized outdoor events such as ice climbing trips, ski trips, etc., which require travel from one jurisdiction to another, in order to protect local health systems which are currently overwhelmed because of the pandemic. We recognize that this is tough news for all of us, especially in the heart of ice climbing and ski season, but we must all work together to stop the spread of COVID-19, and to keep one another safe.
Please don’t stop going outdoors, but please keep your outdoor activities local, under 5 people, and socially distanced. Explore the trails and parks close to your home, and please respect the guidelines provided by the Province and Municipalities. We look forward to the time when it will be safe to resume our activities, and we will let you know as soon as that happens. In the meantime, we are providing you with virtual activities such as Pub Nites, Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour, and virtual participation in SOIceFest. We hope to see many of you at these events, and we welcome any other ideas you have for virtual activities.
The ACC-YYZ has always fostered a strong sense of community amongst its members. We urge you to stay in touch with each other, support one another, and we’ll see you online!

Bryan Thompson
Chair, ACC Toronto Section
On behalf of the Board of Directors