A quick update from the ACC Toronto on opening the Bon Echo Property this summer
I know we’re all eager to get out climbing at Bon Echo as soon as possible, and I want to let you know that we’re watching the government updates very closely. We’re interpreting they’re meanings as it relates to the hut and opening The Bon Echo property and marinas, as they are also needed to be opened in order for us to get the boat.
For now, it looks like capacity limits will be similar to last year(due to government rules), but the way to reserve a spot will be different.
We are working to get protocols updated and the best way to take reservations as soon as possible.
As you all know, the rules and what we can do changed, and with the current system we don’t know for sure when it will be until it’s announced. As many of you are going through similar difficulties, this makes planning very difficult.
An email will go out to all members with details and when bookings will open as soon as it can be determined.
The Bon Echo committee is working very hard to do and prep as much as possible so that we can open as quickly as possible, but without dates for any of the new phases, some work can’t start until it’s announced.
The first weekend will – like always – be at least a partial work weekend as the dock needs to be put in and some other work needs to be done.
I’m looking forward to seeing you there and a full opening as soon as possible.
Any ACC members who want more details can email me at accbe.request@gmail.com.
– Krista, Bon Echo Chair