WHEN: Feb 11-12, 9 am – 4 pm
WHERE: Hidden Gems AND Papineau Lake Roadside
DESCRIPTION: SOIceFest 2023 is running Feb 10-12! To join in on the fun, ACC Toronto is hosting two additional ice climbing locations on Saturday and Sunday. Get your ice climbing on with some top-roping (or leading if that is your fancy) on ice climbs and mixed climbs. Standard ice climbing gear is highly recommended but extra ice tools will be available.
COST: None – there is no cost for attending and these events are intended as the ACC Toronto’s additional contribution to the SOIceFest. These are alternate locations that are closer to Maynooth and Bancroft.
GEAR: Harness, Helmet, rigid boots, technical crampons, warm clothing (ice axes are optional)
TRIP LEADER: For more information or to sign up, please contact Robert LeBlanc
COVID-19: Participants are asked to please stay home if they have Covid symptoms.
WAIVER: Please read the waiver before attending and sign a color copy of it in ink upon arrival.