SOIceFest 2023 begins this Friday Feb 10th! On the 11th and 12th, ACC Toronto is hosting two additional ice climbing locations on Saturday and Sunday. Full details on our previous post. Don’t forget to stop by our customary chili fundraising station on Diamond Lake hosted by our very own Bryan Thompson. See you all there! Lastly, a few updates from the organizers:
- For breakfast, we’re organizing a drop-in breakfast at ANAF Saturday (6am to 9am) and on Sunday (630am to 930am). $10 at the door.
- Raffle – raffle ticket sales are live. And as always, they’ll be one of the highlights of the Fest. Ticket sales close WEDNESDAY FEB 8th at NOON so don’t delay in buying tickets!
- The Silent Auction will be launched soon on – keep your eyes peeled.