*Courteously submitted by David Myles
Hello all,
A note on hut logbooks follows:
Two longtime Section members, (David Brown and Chris Rogers, I believe) have done an extensive scan of the Bon Echo Hut log books into PDF form. These are fascinating records of climbing on Mazinaw cliff, particularly in the early days, when many of our favourite routes were established. The route descriptions were first written up in the logbooks.
These historical records were once on the Section Website but were removed in the current iteration of the website. If any Section member would like a copy of these, which run from 1964 to 2006, please send a request to my email listed below. I have the complete set on my computer and would welcome others having a copy so that these records are not lost. Send a request to davidlmyles@gmail.com.
The feature image is an excerpt from the 1964 account of the FA of Jim’s Sling.

Thank you David for providing some section history. In light of this, we are looking to recommit space on our website so that all can access our section’s history.