Alpine Club of Canada Toronto Section Notice of Meeting – Sat Nov 16 @ 5:30 pm

TO THE MEMBERSHIP OF: The Alpine Club of Canada, Toronto Section
Take notice that the Annual General Meeting of members of the Alpine Club of Canada, Toronto Section will be held on Saturday November 16th at The Pilot between 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm with the agenda provided below.

5:30 pm – 6:15 pm: Member Business

  1. Welcoming Remarks, Land Acknowledgement
  2. Confirmation of Quorum
  3. Call to Order/Voting Process
  4. Thanks to Volunteers/Past Board
  5. Presentation of Slate of Directors
  6. Nominations from the Floor
  7. Election of Board of Directors
  8. Presentation of Financial Statements
  9. Resolution to waive Auditing of Financial Statements
  10. Other Business
  11. Adjourning Resolution

6:30 pm – 7:15 pm: Recap of Section’s Activities

7:30 pm – 9:00 pm: Guest Speaker: Pascale Marceau

9:00 pm – 9:30 pm: Raffle draw

9:30 pm – 10:30 pm: Year-End Party!

Also note that only members in good standing will be permitted to vote at the meeting. Please ensure that your membership is up to date one week prior if you wish to vote at the meeting. Pub meals available for purchase and cash bar, with finger food compliments of the ACC after Member Business.

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