Ice Climbing

Where: Papineau Lake, Hastings Highlands, ON When: Jan 7 2024 @ 10 am Description: Join us for a day of top roping at Papineau Roadside. A number of moderate ice and mixed climbs will be available to top rope. Participants are are responsible for their own gear (helmet, ice tools, boots, technical crampons, belay device, harness, cold weather gear). Participants must be proficient at top rope belaying. All experience levels welcome. Parking/Meetup: 10 am @ Papineau Lake. Carpools can be coordinated for those travelling a large distance. Trip Leader: For more information or to sign up please contact Alec Cooper at Trip Classification: A/B Max Participants: 6  Cost: Free […]
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Our annual Tiffany Falls ice climbing days are set! Provided the ice forms, the plan will be to climb Sundays on the following days: Full details below: DESCRIPTION: This is an ice-climbing and mixed climbing clinic for people of all levels of ability. We review equipment, technique, gear placement, anchors, and safety protocols. Alpine Club of Canada Toronto Section works with the Conservation Halton to grant the club access to this area to climb. WHERE: Tiffany Falls Conservation Area. Please obey parking guidelines. Contact trip leader for further details. COST: $20 plus HST per participant GEAR​: Harness, Helmet, rigid boots, technical […]
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Location: Elora Gorge, Elora ON Dates and Time: 8:30 am – 5 pmSat 18th Nov, 2023 Cancelled due to warm weatherSat 9th Dec, 2023Sat 6th Jan, 2024  Description: Join us for a day of climbing mixed/dry tooling in Elora Gorge. Scratch or dance your way up challenging lines. Participants are responsible for their own gear (helmet, ice/mixed tools, climbing harness, rigid boots/fruit-boots, technical crampons, belay device, cold weather gear) and must be proficient at TR belaying. Previous mixed/dry tooling experience is not mandatory but welcomed. Parking/Meet up: @ 8:30am, group walks over to crag at 8:45am.  Elora District and Community Center, 29 […]
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WHEN: Feb 17 – 20, 2023. Departure for Algoma will be Friday, Feb. 17 (after work) and return from Algoma on Monday, Feb. 20, 2022 (after climbing). WHERE: Blind River, and Iron Bridge, Ontario (6 hours north of Toronto) DESCRIPTION: Lots of good ice (but conditions have been poor so far this year). Multiple areas with multiple climbs between 20-50 metres high. ACCOMMODATION: We will be staying at the “7 Birches” cottage at the Mountain View Camp on Lake Duborne, and at the Bayside Cottage at Granary Lake Resort (formerly the Birch Lodge), both 13-14 km north of Blind River. […]
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SOIceFest 2023 begins this Friday Feb 10th! On the 11th and 12th, ACC Toronto is hosting two additional ice climbing locations on Saturday and Sunday. Full details on our previous post. Don’t forget to stop by our customary chili fundraising station on Diamond Lake hosted by our very own Bryan Thompson. See you all there! Lastly, a few updates from the organizers:
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WHEN: 8:30am – 5pm on the following dates:Saturday 4th FebruarySaturday 25th FebruarySaturday 11th MarchSaturday 25th March WHERE: Elora Gorge, Elora ONParking/Meet up: @ 8:30am, group walks over to crag at 8:45am.Elora District and Community Center, 29 David St W, Elora, ON N0B 1S0 (near the Scout House, green building) DESCRIPTION: Join us for a day of climbing mixed/dry tooling in Elora Gorge. Scratch or dance your way up challenging lines and possible (frozen) river crossings. Participants are responsible for their own gear (helmet, ice tools, climbing harness, rigid boots/fruit-boots, technical crampons, belay device, cold weather gear) and must be proficient […]
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WHEN: Feb 11-12, 9 am – 4 pm WHERE: Hidden Gems AND Papineau Lake Roadside DESCRIPTION: SOIceFest 2023 is running Feb 10-12! To join in on the fun, ACC Toronto is hosting two additional ice climbing locations on Saturday and Sunday. Get your ice climbing on with some top-roping (or leading if that is your fancy) on ice climbs and mixed climbs. Standard ice climbing gear is highly recommended but extra ice tools will be available. COST: None – there is no cost for attending and these events are intended as the ACC Toronto’s additional contribution to the SOIceFest. These […]
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WHEN: March 3 – 5 WHERE: ACC Toronto Bon Echo Hut DESCRIPTION: Weekend of winter camping, ice climbing, snowshoeing and/or XC skiing at the Bon Echo hut. A chance to get in some winter climbing and camping at Bon Echo and return to a warm hut for food and drinks. Drive up Friday and park at the usual spot (the public dock). Hike across the lake with your gear and make camp. Saturday and Sunday there will be opportunities for activities including climbing. MAXIMUM PARTICIPANTS: 25. GEAR: Plenty of warm clothes. Winter camping gear including a tent, a winter sleeping […]
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WHEN: Saturday 4th February, 2023. 8:30am – 5pm WHERE: Elora Gorge, Elora ONParking/Meet up: @ 8:30am, group walks over to crag at 8:45am.Elora District and Community Center, 29 David St W, Elora, ON N0B 1S0 (near the Scout House, green building) DESCRIPTION: Join us for a day of climbing mixed/dry tooling in Elora Gorge. Scratch or dance your way up challenging lines and possible (frozen) river crossings. Participants are responsible for their own gear (helmet, ice tools, climbing harness, rigid boots/fruit-boots, technical crampons, belay device, cold weather gear) and must be proficient at TR belaying. Previous mixed/dry tooling experience is […]
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Our annual Tiffany Falls ice climbing days are set! Provided the ice forms, we plan to climb Sundays on the following days: Full details below: DESCRIPTION: Tiffany Falls Ice Clinic This is an ice-climbing and mixed climbing clinic for people of all levels of ability. We review equipment, technique, gear placement, anchors, and safety protocols. COST: $20 plus HST per participant GEAR​: Harness, Helmet, rigid boots, technical crampons, warm clothing (ice axes are optional) TRIP LEADER: For more information or to sign up, please contact Robert LeBlanc TRIP CLASSIFICATION: A COVID-19: Participants are asked to please stay home if they have Covid […]
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